In the end, his brilliant legal footwork paid off. 最后,他高明的法律手腕使他如愿以偿。
In societies where corruption is endemic, decision-making is slowed as more politicians and officials have to be paid off. 在腐败泛滥的社会中,由于要花钱打点更多的政客和官员,决策的制定会被拖慢。
Sandra was determined to become a doctor and her persistence paid off. 桑德拉决心成为医生,她的坚持取得了成功。
This was one risk that paid off. 这是一个成功的冒险。
He pressed on in the hope that a few others would join him. The tactic paid off. 他硬着头皮干下去,希望能有几个人加入进来。这一招奏效了。
The extra training paid off, and she romped home in record time. 额外的训练得到了补偿,她轻而易举地创造了纪录。
He hasn't cleared up ( or paid off) his debt yet. 他拖的债还没有还清。
When the building was completed, he paid off the labours. 大楼完工后,他就付了工资,把工人打发走了。
All of the debt was paid off. 账都还清了。
You must spend less until your debts are paid off. 你必须少花钱,先把债还清。
Again, do not close paid off credit cards because it will lower your credit score! 再一次申明一下,不要关掉你付款的信用卡,这样会降低你的信誉积分!
He docked her pocket money until the debt was paid off. 他削减了她的零用钱,直到还清了债务。
It appears to have paid off. 他的努力似乎已有了回报。
My hard work was paid off and I got the position. 我努力工作终于得到报偿了,我得到了这个职位。
Our care paid off. 我们的悉心照料得到了回报。
All the hard work I had done over the summer paid off. 我这个夏天付出的努力都有了回报。
By the end of this year I'll have paid off all the money I borrowed from the bank. 到今年年底,我将还清所有我向银行借的钱。
Even if you had given him much more money, he might not have paid off the debt. 就算你给了他更多的钱,他也还不清债务。
I/'ve just paid off my loan from this bank. 我刚刚付清了从这家银行的借贷。
Well, after ass these years we've at last paid off all our debts. 还好,过了这些年的苦日子,我们终于还清了所有的债务。
They paid off all the debts on time. 他们按时把债还清了。
The efforts made by Adrian and his parents paid off. 艾德里安和他父母的努力得到了回报。
I was paid off before quitting. 辞职前我收到了。
Having paid off the pawnbroker, I now had my watch out of hock. 偿还了当铺老板的债,我赎回了自己的手表。
It may surprise you, but I paid off all the debts in a year. 你也许不信,我一年内还清了所有债务。
I have a very good credit record and I am working to get some of my bills paid off. 我有一个很好的信用记录,我有我的工作取得票据付清。
My ten months of hard work finally paid off. 我十个月的努力终于得到了回报。
My hard work and determination paid off when I landed my dream job. 我找到了理想的工作,所有的辛劳和决心都得到了回报。